In February 2024, posted 58 new articles and updated 8 databases. Based on Google Analytics, we had  15,235 users in 17,096 engaged sessions and 21,749 page views. Visitors was from 139 countries. The Top Five Countries were the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and India.  The Visitors was from 3590 cities.  The Top City in the United States was New York (740), and the top city internationally was London (180).'s monthly update list has 4,224 subscribers.Our Facebook pages  has 15,115 followers.  During February on Facebook, there was a 18,569 reach and a 5.601 post engagement.  The reach is the number of people who saw a post on Facebook at least once. The post engagement is the number of reactions, comments, shares, and clicks on Facebook posts.  On Linkedin, we had 2,756 followers and 5,760 post impressions. Finally, on Quora we had 7,587 views of our posted content.  We don't post to X (Twitter). 

 Special Thanks
to my NEW patrons
Carl McCargo
Maurice Dyson
and to my Continuing Patrons
Whose Financial Support Makes this Site Possible!! 

2024 02February